Wednesday, July 13, 2011

No Kids Allowed

To a lot of people, Mike Vuick of Monroeville, Pennsylvania could be considered something of a cult hero. A hero in an almost IMPOSSIBLE battle: Convincing parents that their precious little angels AREN'T necessarily precious little angels. Mike owns McDain's Restaurant and Golf Center in Monroeville. And he recently announced a new policy: As of this Saturday, all children under the age of six are BANNED FROM THE RESTAURANT. In an email to his regulars, he wrote, quote, "We feel that McDain's is not a place for young children. Their volume can't be controlled and many, many times, they have disturbed other customers." When some parents freaked out and told a local TV station, Mike took an even stronger stance against young kids in the restaurant. Quote, "I think it's the height of being impolite and selfish, and therefore, I instituted a policy." And then, his best line of all: Quote, "You know, their child, maybe as it should be, is the center of their universe. But they don't realize it's not the center of THE universe." What Mike is doing here IS legal. Restaurants aren't allowed to ban people of different races or handicaps or senior citizens because they're protected under the law . . . but there's no law that keeps someone from denying service to children.

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