Thursday, November 10, 2011

Cat PPL vs. Dog PPL

A website called polled over 200,000 pet owners to find out if they were cat people or dog people. And they also asked a bunch of weird questions to find out how they're different. It turns out they have a few things in common: They both tend to talk to animals, including cats AND dogs. They're both just as likely to have a college degree. And they both hate shirts and sweaters that have pictures of animals on them. Now, here are eight weird ways they're different.

#1.) Dog People Like Paul McCartney. They're 18% more likely to say he's their favorite Beatle. While cat people are 25% more likely to pick George Harrison.

#2.) Cat People Like to Tweet. According to the poll, they're 10% more likely to use Twitter than dog people are.

#3.) Dog People Like Zoos. They're 9% more likely to think of them as "happy" places.

#4.) Dog People Are 30% More Likely to Enjoy Slapstick Comedy and Impressions. Cat people are 21% more likely to enjoy irony and puns.

#5.) Cat People Are More Introverted. They're 14% more likely to stay close to their friends at a party.

#6.) Dog People Are 11% More Likely to Support Cloning. But only for animals.

#7.) Cat People Are More Educated. They're 17% more likely to have a graduate degree.

#8.) Dog People Have Trendier Ringtones. They're 36% more likely to use a pop song.

Read more HERE

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