Tuesday, January 10, 2012

What would you do... on an airplane?

It turns out you might NOT have to worry about getting caught joining the MILE-HIGH CLUB, and being escorted off the plane by the cops when you land. According to a new survey, only 8% of people say they'd report it to a flight attendant if they saw a couple having sex on an airplane, or caught them getting-it-on in the bathroom. The survey also found that 6% of people would complain if they saw a woman BREASTFEEDING her baby on a plane. So, for reference, that means only 2% more people are cool with you whipping out your breasts on a plane for a baby than an adult. 33% would consider complaining if someone with BAD-SMELLING FEET took off their shoes on a plane. 68% would consider complaining if there was a SCREAMING CHILD on the plane. And the behavior that leads to the most complaints? Bringing FOOD THAT STINKS onto the plane. 80% of people would consider complaining about that. Read more HERE

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