Monday, September 13, 2010

The Gospel according to Metallica

John Van Sloten, a pastor at the New Hope Church in Calgary, Alberta, uses Metallica in his sermons and has written "The Day Metallica Came To Church: Searching For The Everywhere God In Everything". He says, "Some kid asked me at church to preach Metallica . I sort of said, 'Yeah, sure,' and told him I'd pray about it, which is how we slough people off, and then the next day someone from our church called me with Metallica tickets. So my wife and I went to Metallica and had an experience there, in a very deep communal sense that these people are all sharing a lament and a feeling of injustice about how screwed up the world is. "That got my heart into it so I went back and read all the lyrics and as I was reading their lyrics I would have a biblical truth or a scriptural passage come at the same time."

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