Monday, March 12, 2012

No Reunion for Roses at R&RHoF

Ever since it was announced that Guns N’ Roses will be inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, fans have been wondering if band members would put aside their differences and perform at the event. In a recent interview with Rolling Stone, former GN’R bassist Duff McKagan said that the band hasn’t yet discussed the possibility of playing together during the ceremony.

“There's been no communication about anyone playing,” said McKagan. “There was probably a day in the mid-1990s where I would have tried to gather the troops, but I'm just not that guy anymore. It's too frustrating to change anyone else…I'm not even sure I'd want to change how anyone else sees a situation.”

McKagan added that he has an idea of the songs he’d like to play if the band were to perform at the event. “You have those daydreams like, ‘We'll go up and play 'Nightrain' and 'Brownstone' and throw down the microphone and drop off,” noted McKagan. “That'll be killer!' But I doubt that'll happen.”

We’ll have to wait to see what happens at the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame induction ceremony when it takes place on April 14 in Cleveland.

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