Thursday, March 15, 2012

Trailer Park Thursday

21 Jump Street
Starring Channing Tatum & Jonah Hill
The TV show made johnny Depp a star. The movie... is a comedy. The TV was NOT a comedy. I am not excited about this movie.

Casa de mi Padre
Starring Will Ferrell & Gael GarcĂ­a Bernal
Stepbrothers was good, Talladega Nights was good. Will Ferrell is experimenting with indie movies again. Not a good idea. A comedy movie with subtitles? You're so busy reading that you miss the funny! Pass...

Jeff, Who Still Lives at Home
Starring Jason Segel, Ed Helms, Judy Greer, Susan Sarandon
Segal and Helms play grown brothers with Sarandon as their mom. Segal still lives at home, Helms is married with a career. There is life advice and stalking of the wife so it's both funny and deep. I'd go see it.

Seeking Justice (Limited Release)
Starring Nicolas Cage, January Jones, Guy Pearce, Jennifer Carpenter
Typica Nicholas Cage action-thriller. Wife is attacked, he seeks revenge and gets caught up in mob-like circumstances.

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