Wednesday, April 4, 2012

History Lesson

21 Jamie Lynn Spears /actress, TV's Zoey 101, sister of Britney, teen mommy
33 Natasha Lyonne /actress, Slums of Beverly Hills, American Pie
39 David Blaine /magician-illusionist
41 Josh Todd /singer, Buckcherry
46 Mike Starr /ex-bassist, Alice in Chains
47 Robert Downey Jr. /actor, Chaplin, Iron Man, The Avengers
48 David Cross /comedian, TV's Mr. Show, Arrested Development
84 Maya Angelou /author, poet, buddy of Oprah

1960 - The epic film Ben-Hur won 11 of the 12 Academy Awards it was nominated for, including Best Picture and Best Director, setting an Oscar record. Charlton Heston received the award for Best Actor.

1968 - Martin Luther King, Jr., was assassinated in Memphis. James Earl Ray left behind a single fingerprint, a rifle and his clothes. He had escaped from prison 11 months before, but had the money to flee to Canada, fly to London and make a trip to Lisbon. He was arrested at Heathrow airport in London and extradited. There had already been two attempts on King's life and just the day before, he had said, "Like anybody, I would like to live a long life, but I'm not concerned about that now."

1969 - The TV show Star Trek was canceled, after four seasons. The highest it ever ranked in the Nielsens was number 52 -– it was consistently beaten by such shows as Iron Horse and Mr. Terrific.

1974 - Hank Aaron of the Atlanta Braves tied Babe Ruth's home-run record by hitting his 714th homer in Cincinnati.

1975 - Bill Gates and Paul Allen found Microsoft in Albuquerque, New Mexico, to develop and sell BASIC interpreters for the Altair 8800

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